Our 2017 San Juan Islands Vacation

Wednesday, 8.9.2017

No early rush this morning. We're again dependent on the Spieden Channel currents which will work for us in the afternoon. So, as usual, job #1 in the morning is to take Abigail to shore for her morning constitutional.

One she's been taken care of it's time for breakfast for her and for us. We have hash browns, bacon and eggs. And we postpone doing the dishes until we have hot water from running the engine on our next leg of our journey. We take another shot at cleaning our windows (not very successfully) and then it's time for an exchange with Chris and Joe. We retrieve Lynn's sunglasses tha we left the night before for the magic window cleaner Chris had loaned us. A nice goodbye and we return to our boat and cast off from our buoy.

Next stop is Roche Harbor (about an hour trip) so we get there about noon only to find a line for the fuel dock. We wait our turn, top off our diesel, dump garbage and recycling and buy some more ice. Underway in the Spieden Channel but we only had a 0.6 mph current helping us. Still better than going against it. We travel down the channel, across San Juan channel towards Jones Island and then go through Wasp Passage to try something new. Pretty scenery but we hit some strong currents running against us. We eventually made it to West Sound and the OIYC reciprocal dock but there were already four other boats tied up. So, executive decision time and we headed to Blind Bay (our next destination anyway) to anchor and fix dinner.

As expected, the four buoys near Blind Island were already taken so we dropped anchor and then headed to shore for Abby to have a break. Then back to the boat to cook burger patties before they went bad. And we cooked and ate rib eye steak with salad.

Along with our steak we had a bottle of "Carpe Diem" wine that Kimberly found for us. It was a delicious addition to our dinner and the only sad part is she found it in a clearance rack so we don't know if we'll have any again.

In our usual vacation rhythm, we have another round of cribbage (I'm now 0-3 for the trip), dark chocolate and red wine (Apothic this night). A good night and a good day.